Human Rights


Natural Rights:

The right, freedom and privileges that are a simple part of the human nature and they cannot be taken away. They are different from the rights that the law gives people(set of principles which govern human interaction). According to the Declaration of Independence, these are rights that include 'life, liberty, and the pursuit to happiness' which are the same as in the Second Treatise of Government which was written by John Locke. It talked about the social contract which was then taken away by Jean-Jacque Rousseau.

Social Contract:

An agreement among the members of an organized society or between the governed and government defining and limiting the rights and duties of each. It could also be and agreement between individuals to cooperate for greater security, which results in the loss of some personal liberties. Jean-Jacque Rousseau wrote The Social Contract in 1743 where he strongly supported freedom and religion.

Right to Revolution:

It is a right or duty, that is stated many times throughout history, possessed by subject of a state that justifies their action to overthrow the government to whom the subjects otherwise would owe allegiance. John Locke was also the founder of this idea and he expressed in what he wrote. He was with the right to rebel and he proposed a branched government which every branch is ruled by the houses of parliaments to have specific rights.

Popular Sovereignty:

A pre-civil war that asserts the right of the people living in a newly organized territory to decide by vote of their territorial legislature whether or not slavery would be accepted in the society. It was after The Social Contract of Jean-Jacque Rousseau that the people thought about it. The written part was strong enough to help them create a new society where everyone was equal(almost everyone because the africans and native americans weren't treated that way).

Right of Self Determination:

A free choice of one's own acts without external compulsion; and also the freedom of the people in a specific territory to determine the political status. It is the right of the people of a nation to decide in how and by whom they want to be governed without the influence of any country. Thomas Paine's wrote about this in the Common Sense and the American Crisis. He freely and radically wrote about how he thought of the King George at that time.

Ranking from most important:

  1. The Natural Rights
  2. Right of Self Determination
  3. Social Rights
  4. Right to Revolution
  5. Popular Sovereignty The ranking is based on which one for me is the most important. I chose the natural right to be the most important because it is the life, freedom and privileges of someone and they cannot be taken away. The right of self determination is also important because lets you decide who do you want to not really rule you but guide you and how do you want to be guided. Social rights is to interact with others it helps the community be united. It is the right to rebel if the government is not correct and it is also important because is is your freedom. The last one is the popular sovereignty because people didn't really respect that and there was still inequalities between them. Any way everything is important it's just that some are more than others.



Where and from whom do you learn?

      Life is all about learning and in every situation you could learn something. I learn on a daily bases how to manage my life. 

     I learn at school about education and other as math, history, science and other things. I also learn in other places like with my family. If you did a mistake with your family and you parents tell you to not do it again you learn what is right or wrong.

     When you look at things you learn as well. For example when you look at someone changing a baby you actually learn by it. You learn by every action that occurs in front of your eyes. 

     You could learn by watching t.v or other things. It is all about writing.



What are the different reasons why moroccans migrate away from morocco? Using ESPRAT+G what are possible different groups and what ate their reasons? Who is migrating to Morocco? Why?

       Migration in this world is very diverse and it gets diverse the more people want to work or studies. There are different groups of people in every place and all migrate for a reason. In Morocco people migrate in or out of the country because of different reasons. It's related to their social class class or cultural reasons or economical reason or others. People in Morocco migrate to other places because of religion or sociology or the art and tourism.

       People migrate to Morocco for different reasons. One of them is economical reasons. People like christians, muslims or other cultural unity migrate to morocco for work. It's also because it's cheaper then France or other countries. Old people that are retired migrate to morocco because they could buy stuff and live their life in a less tight budget. 

       Moroccans migrate away from morocco because of other reasons. One of them is of course economy. Low class people try to go to other countries near by like Spain to work there. They work with a low budget and other people accept them because of that. Other people of higher and middle class migrate for sociology. People go to universities and live in other places. These are people that have the money to go to other countries to explore. 

      Morocco is also a good place for import and export. People come and found their organization that work on import and export. This is the case because of the geography of morocco. Morocco is a main import export country because it is located on the atlantic ocean so it could have trades between it and the united states but also the north of it is in the Mediterranean so they had trades with europe nations. 

     People migrate to and away from Morocco because of diverse reasons. Socially, geography and economy are some reasons but religion is also one. Morocco is becoming more and more of a visited country. People like it because it's cheap and it has an interesting religious country and on. It's a touristic place. 




Uganda Human Rights


     In this podcast we talk about torture and illegal detention in Uganda and how you might be putting cash in the pocket of an African dictator when you buy gas.
     Human rights have found that the Ugandan authority illegally detain and torture rebels and terrorists. They are tortured in a torture center run by the government antiterrorism task force.
     Last July a Ugandan judge has ordered ordered the task force to bring in his court five people who'd been held in the torture center called Communicado for months of detention but the task force didn't produce the five people to the court and it brought them to a commission. 
    A woman had called on corruption on Nigeria and Angola that are top oil producers. Equatorial Guinea is also one of the main producers to the USA it is the third major oil producer in the world. Nearly half a million people live there. After having the country back from the spain colonies Francisco Sangama took over. He was  a brutal dictator that was called or rather insisted on being called the unique miracle. When his family was in exile his nephew took over and has been president sense that time.   
    Under his rule the equatorial Guinea has no free press, no independent judiciary, and no independent society, and arbitrary detention, torture, and rife are present.
    When the Equatorial Guinea discovered oil it's economy enhanced but people say that the government of the country doesn't spend enough money on it's people. The president and his family however are well living while other people live in poverty.

Torture and Corruption in Africa

Why Study History?

History is the study of the past. It is important because of the information it gives us about how people lived in ancient times.

The first main point about history is that it offers us loads of information about how people and society behaved, how a community depended on each other. History keeps on renovating itself and help us understand what life is. For example, how can we know about two countries that had war when they're in peace now and how would we know about technology, science, mathematics and other desiplines if not with history. Wothout history our knowledge would go back to the start and people want move on and improve themseves in these desiplines. They won't go forward and they'll only stay in one place, a hiatus.

The study of human also depends on these historical sources. If you want to know the behavior of humans you use theses sources. History helps us understand how our society was created and how we have a place in it.

This information helps explain history in our own lives. It helps provide identity as well as contributes to your understanding, helps citizenship and it is useful to the world of work. Evidence shows that the history is renewing itself. It occurs again and again because people do the same mistakes that they're ancestors did long ago. It will still happen in the future because people will still make the same mistakes they're ancestors did and it will continue on like this for milleniums, but if we know our history we could avoid it.

War and battles all are human mistakes and they are things that happened in the past and are present in the present and will probably still be in the past. What if we could avoid that. Knowing about yiour history will help us surpass all these mistakes and help us improve as a community. It will help us through life.

Everyone was victim of history. I was victim of history and everyone like me is. When I go to school I do exactly what people did a llong time ago. School is a creation made by people in the past and we still use it for our education. When I have my history class or other classes I am affected by history becaus everything we study started a long time ago and we just discover more about it.

History is in our daily life.



ESPRAT+G helps out in breaking down and better understanding the concepts of every group of people you study them in social studies. It stands for Economics, Sociology, Political science, Religiously, Arts, Technology and Georaphy. It is the framework of social studies.

  • Economics: Peoples jobs.

  • Sociology: How do people live in a community.

  • Political Science: Are there rulers, are people equal.L

  • Religious: Their beliefs and their ideas passed down from generation to generation.

  • Arts: Artists living in those times, and arts created.

  • Technology: Tools and new technology created in the period.

  • +

  • Geography: How does the geography affects the civilization.

ESPRAT+G analysis all the important factors of a civilization or empire.

Rescued From Philippine Ferry Sinking


About 1,000 people were save from the drowning of a ferry ship in the southern Philippine on September 6, 2009. In time of this disaster nine people were registered dead and a passenger has been missing and was found eight miles away from the location of the accident after thirty hours in the sea.
The sea authority are still not sure what caused the ferry to sink. Passengers that have arrived to Manila sadi that they didn't hear any explosion and the weather is not appears to not be a possible factor.
The Philippines with it's 7,100 islands register lots of sinking boats because of it's sea disasters like typhoons and tropical storms but also because of poorly maintained ships.

Skills for Life

My parents' skills for life:
  1. Clear communication between people.
  2. Autority at work and also with your family.
  3. Thinking before reacting.
  4. Respecting other people's work.
  5. Responsibility for your own work.
  6. Creating a good work environment.
  7. Loving what you do.
  8. Never give up.

Five Main Reasons About Blogging


The five main reasons for blogging are:

  • People are sharing there knowledge with others not just the teacher.
  • The increase for reading - the bloggers start to read other articles that their friends have writen and post their comments about it.
  • Parents could view their childrens work and get involved on what teir child learns about his classes.
  • Give your students the responsibilty and be truthworthy of them not copying from someone elses work.
  • The students name their own topics and have the chance to lead deeper research about it.

My Goals

My goals for this years American Studies course is to learn more about the history of this wonderful continent.

I would like to start with the ancient tribes of america and how it was discovered.

  • How many tribes were there in america.

  • Temples and other construction made.

  • The ancient religion.

I would also like to learn about USA presidents and their achievements, and discover how this continent arrived to this level.